Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Puritan's Personal Purpose Statement and Yours

One of the things that is relatively new yet widespread is organizations adopting purpose statements. They are everywhere from your fast food restaurant to your multinational cooperation to your local church (oddly enough certain studies have shown churches with purpose statements are often healthy then those without.) It seems like you can not get away from the ever popular purpose statement. I myself having written a couple purpose statements for organizations because that is often the starting point for the rest of a strategic plan.. But why are they such a big deal? Maybe this simple definition I got in my Strategic Planning class will help: Purpose statements explain why an organization exists. For example, this restaurant exists to serve customers and make a profit or this church exist to glorify God, etc. This is why purpose statements are so powerful they are the articulation of something’s reason for being. Knowing this obviously gives one the great advantage of giving something its direction and clarity on what an organization is supposed to do. This is why its no wonder why when an organization decides to organize or structure itself it will go about it by putting its purpose into words and then arrange everything around its defined purpose. This can be a powerful thing.

One of the things I have been wondering is what if people gave themselves’ purpose statements. What it look like? Would it have the same power for people as it does for organizations? As I was reading through A Quest For Godliness by J.I. Packer for my Spiritual Disciplines class I caught a glimpse of what a person’s purpose statement may look like as I read on page 61 some things that Richard Baxter wanted to commit his life to are: " First , to speak the impenitent, uncovered sinners, who are not yet so much as purposing to turn…And with these, I thought, a wakening persuasive was a more necessary means…My next work must be for those that have some purposes to turn, and are about the work, to direct them for a thorough and true conversion, that they miscarry not in the birth. The third must be directions for the younger and weaker sort of Christians, that they maybe established, built up, and persevere. The fourth part, directions for lapsed and backsliding Christians, for their safe recovery. Besides this, there is intended some short persuasions and directions against some special errors of the times against some common killing sins. Ad for directions to doubting, troubled consciences , this is done already. And the last part is intended more especially for families, as such, directing the several relations in their duties." What laudable goals for a person to have! I paraphrased and summarized what he said his mission was, in this way: 1) To reach the uncoverted. 2) To bring nominal Christians to true conversion. 3) To build up the younger and weaker brothers. 4) To help backslidden Christians safely return. 5) Confront and correct errors of the time.6) To direct families in relational duties. I would call this John Baxter’s personal purpose statement. These were the reason he existed and fulfilling his calling for the glory of drove him which led to a time of great revival in England.

Here is my question what is your personal purpose statement. How would you explain your existence? How would actively knowing the reason for your being change your life. I want to challenge you to articulate your own personal purpose statement for life. Then let that challenge you to change the way you live knowing what you are here for. This how my personal purpose statement would read: "John Babri exist to be a servant of Jesus Christ to the glory of God to call those who do know Jesus to come to know him in a personal way and to call those to who claim to know Christ live transformed Christ exalting lives". Imagine now if I live my life according to my purpose statement and calling. Would I be like the great Richard Baxter? I know have my purpose articulated will help me keep in perspective the reason I am here and rightly forces me to do what I am created to do.

What is your personal purpose statement? What is the reason you exist? Is it to make as much money and have as much fun as you can before you die? Or is your purpose something more. Let me help a little as you write your own personal purpose statement. Your purpose is now so you can gain stuff, have as much fun as you want, or to make money. Your purpose is for Christ. If you think your purpose is for something else you can know you are wrong Col 1:16 says this about why you are here :.. all things were created through him and for him..the him being Christ, all including you, Romans 8:28 has this to say about you :29For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. You are the to be conformed to the image of Jesus. 1 Cor 6:19 says this about you: You are not your own.. This is a good starting point for drafting your purpose statement know you exist for Christ to be conformed to image of Christ and you are not your own and have no rights to yourself but belong to Christ. How does knowing this should then influence you and the way you live? What does this scream that the direction of your life should be based on your purpose. Also, know that if your personal purpose does not have anything to do with Christ or place him as supreme and central its wrong.

How would you articulate the reason for your existence? What is your purpose and how does you change the way you live to fit your reason for living. What is your life’s purpose statement?

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Blogs That Link Me

I wanted to take a moment honor and thank the blogs that are linking me. I really do appreciate it! So now I want honor you with this post and link your blog is this post. I feel a little bit like I am ripping of Phil Johnson's BlogSpotting at PyroManiac . So guess I'll call this OnTheEdge.

First on the edge is Michelle Thomas with her comments on the less serious side of my recent interview in the Basement. I don't usually link Xangas but I love the comments she makes: "Homaune John Babri in print is almost as good as the real thing. " and she affirms my expertise in one the books I mention in the interview by saying: "And just for the record, I think he really could write 'The Interpretations of What Girls Say and What It Really Means'. Yep I can translate girl into English and if there is any popular demand I may publish excepts from that book at this blog. Her blog is By His Grace for His Glory.

Not only I am intereviewed at
Spartan but also make Spartan's links under blogosphore. Again I say check out the interview and keep your eye on this blog for 'Missional' writings.

I want to give Joe of
Joe's Jotting's a big thank you for his kind words about my blog and for adding me to his links. He clearly helped bring some new traffic to my blog which is evident by scrolling down and seeing the comments on my post about being at Southern. I appreciate Joe's blog he definately has good stuff to say and has alot of links that help me find other great blogs aswell.

Curtis Richardson has me linked. He has not updated his blog for awhile but has told me in an IM conversation that he will soon. He will be telling us who is going to get to go heaven. His blog is
The Voice Of Reality. He also was the Youth Pastor of the Church I got saved at about 4 1/2 years ago. I don't know if he realizes it but the games of Risk we played were influntial in spiritual life.

Lastly even though this one should not count I want to give an honorable mention to Dave Mullins and his blog
Mullins Musings since I can think of at least three times where he mentions my blog in one of his posts. Besides Dave Mullins is one of my all time favorite people in the world hands down. I even thought about starting a Dave Mullins fan club blog.

Well since I am linking blogs I think I'll just go ahead and link some new favorites as well. I recently have really gotten into and have been enjoying
Jeremy Weaver's blog which has recently been renamed to the Doxoblogy. And will also soon move so I geuss this link will not work for long but I strongly suggest following his blog where ever it may go. I also highly recommend his brother's blog, Pastor Steve Weaver's Blog. What can I say? I guess Weavers make good bloggers. Lastly, I want to recommend Tony Kummer's blog Will The Next Generation Treasure Christ? Although, I don't have children and probably will not for a very long time I think this blog will be a great resource for anyone involved in Children's Ministries and I wish I knew about it when I was writting a Strategic Plan for my Church's children's ministries back when I was a intern at my church.

Anyway enjoy the blogs. Just a little side not there are a couple blogs that link me that I did not link. Its not because I hate you (since I don't. Its because its a personal blog and not something others would understand). Also if there is anyone out there who linked me and I don't know about it email me and let me know. Anyway grace and peace to you.

Friday, August 26, 2005

John Babri Interview

Hey I thought I 'd share this with you. I was intereviewed at Spartan a new blog. This blog is dedicated to 'Missional' issues. I suggest checking it out especially since I am being interverivewed. Here are the questions I answered:

John, tell me what it was like at Kent State being a Christian?

Do you think that everyone should have an "Out of the Box" experience when it comes to sharing their faith?

What do you think the term "Missional" means to you?

Tell me about an experience you had where you were really stretched regarding evangelism.

Now that you're a new student at Southern Seminary, do you think it will be harder to get out of your comfort zone soon to reach the lost?

What are some words of encouragement that you could give "Younger Leaders" in ministry today?

Do you think being Southern Baptist has had an affect on people listening to you as a Christian sharing your faith?

What are some things that you are going to be doing to not only reach the "lost" but also other Seminary students?

Anyway I suggest going and checking out that interview and what is sure to be a great blog for 'Missional' discussions. Also I explain the precurse-curse in the second part of the interview at The Basement the sister site of Spartan which is for more informal, just plain fun conversation. I also strongly suggest seeing that because I explain the precurse-curse as well as talk about the 4 books I am going to write. Anyway Enjoy.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I am at SBTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetings from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary!!!!I decided to do something different for today’s blog. I do not usually write about me but since my life has been full of changes I thought I would to keep you updated on my life. I might even make a monthly update a regular feature now that I gone. Never fear I am not going to this into a personal blog I'll keep putting down Biblical and theological stuff for the most part.

The biggest news is now at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary! I have been here for eight days now and I am loving it! I got to meet Al Mohler and shake his hand during orientation. Even though it was only a brief encounter it may have been the highlight of orientation for me.

In other news I was really impressed with the church I visited: 9th and O Baptist Church. That was definitely a blessing. The preaching was very expository and verse by verse on a difficult passage. It was 1 Cor 1:1-9 the introduction to Corinthians. The message was Christ centered and expository. The Sunday school was a blessing as well. It looks like they have real community in the Sunday school. Its even the home church of Russell Moore who teaches a Sunday school class there. I am going to have to check out a few other churches but 9th and O is looking pretty good.

I am loving my classes. I even enjoying doing my homework! Professors start out with prayer, they call you brother. This is far different then my post modern professors at Kent who wanted to disprove the Bible and not take Christians seriously. I am so blessed and thankful to be here at Southern. Not only that I also have some of the best professor in the nation. For example, I get to have Don Whitney as my teacher for spiritual disciplines class author of Spiritual Disciples for the Christian Life. I am also looking forward to my readings I get to read stuff like the Pilgrim’s Progress among other great books. The campus itself is beautiful. People are friendly. I also really enjoying spiritual conversations with people. Its been so refreshing just to talk to people who are excited about God and are sold out for him .

In other news God also provided me with a job! I will be working as a dishwasher at the Cheesecake Factory in a Mall in Louisville. It is a relief to know I have a job. God is so good!

Oh and since I’ve been doing a lot of name dropping I guess its time to tell you that I am in the lineage of people like John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards. In the first day of my Intro to Christian Philosophy class Dr. Parker past out our Educational Genealogy. This arrow <--- will represent was a student of. Ok here is my Educational Genealogy: John Babri <— Dr. James Parker <–Dr. Bruce Metzger <—Dr. John Mackay<– Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield <– Dr. Charles Hodge <– Dr. Archibald Alexander <– William Graham <– Dr. Samuel Stanhope Smith <– Dr. Jonathan Edwards Jr. <– Jonathan Edwards <– Solomon Stoddard <– Dr. Charles Chauncy <– Archbishop James Ussher <– Walter Travers <– Theodore Beza <– John Calvin
There you go the Evangelical Apostlistic line of ascension. From John Calvin to John Babri, pretty cool huh. It helps remind that are Christians are not isolated from other believers but are indebted to those who came before for us. Its also interesting to look at the line and seeing that way helps me realize how connected we are to the saints who came before us. So now any I teach will be in the line of Calvin and Edwards

To all my friends back home in Ohio as well as First Baptist know that even though I am in a "better place" now ( I never get tired of making that silly little joke) you still very dearly missed. Thanks also for your prayers, emails, letters and other ways you have shown your love. FBCA I am praying for you
Grace and peace to you.
God is so good!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Supremacy of Christ seen in Col 1:15-18

15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16For byhim all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him. 17And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. Col 1:15-18 (ESV)

Taking a look at Col 1:15-18 forces us from going from being egocentric to Christocentric as we see the Supremacy of Christ in all of the universe and everything in it. These three verses show us three pictures of Christ that should leave us in awe. The first is of Christ the Creator. The second is that of Christ the sustainer and the last picture is of Christ the redeemer. These three pictures of Christ remind us that its not about us but about him! The Creater, Sustainer, Redeemer! The only proper understanding then is to abandon any egocentrism but realize we live in a Christocentric universe and our only proper response is to align ourselves with the centrality, supremacy, preminence of Christ in all creation! Here a few thoughts on this extrodianary passage!

v.15 what does first born mean. The first born of all creation! It means in it Christ has preeminence! Firstborn has the idea of the birthright think back Old Testament time who got blessing, honor, and prestige. It is the place of honor. This all belonged to the first born! It does NOT mean that Jesus was born some time after God. He is eternal as John 1:1 teaches equally coeternal with God the father. So what it is saying by Jesus being the first born of all creation? It means all creation is for him. It all belongs to him. It is all rightly given to him because he deserves it all. Jesus Christ rightly has the place of honor. As we are the part of all creation we need to rightly give him the place of honor in everything. Jesus also inherits all of creation. Its all for him!

V.16 This one of my favorite verses of the Bible. We do not tend often think of Christ as Creator but just as Savior. But by things him all things were created. John 1:3 puts it this way: All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. Jesus Christ is the creator of you, your clothes, your family of your universe; of Mars, of Saturn, of galaxies far and near. Look at the stars tonight and see them as what Jesus created. Look at look at yourself as something Jesus Christ created. For you are his workmanships says Eph 2:10. You along with the rest of everything else in the universe has one creator Jesus Christ. The text says he is the creator of all things visible and invisible. Guess what, the air you breath something invisible you owe to Jesus Christ. The microscopic cells that you have that protect your body he created, has, and owns.

The next two lines are beautiful. All things are for him! Ever wonder why the universe exist? Its for Jesus Christ! For him to reveal and display his glory. He did not make the universe for you. Even all the good things you have are not really for you. Its ALL for him. The universe and everything in does not exist for you. You use it but really you are only borrowing. Its is all to please Jesus. That tree outside your window exist to please Jesus. You exist for Jesus. Just to drive it home lets replace the generals in that verse for specifics. You were created through Jesus for Jesus. Like 1 Cor 6:19 says you are not your own. That is so true! Nothing has any right over itself we are to please the our creator that’s what we are for. Think of Romans 9:21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? The creator has supreme authority over his creation! Remember that God created you for what he wills.

V17. And he is before all things… This is simply that all things are subject to him and again for him. He also very literally before all things! He is the Alpha & Omega. Not only that, all things consist in him.He in not only your creator, he is also your sustainer. The reason you are being sustained right now is because of Jesus. This includes all your provisions like food.The reason you have anything such family, friends, hope, shelter, food is because Jesus Christ is sustaining you! Not only is he sustaining you that way he is also sustaining you in other ways. The very atoms that make up your body Jesus is holding together right now! Scientist do not know why an atom is held together. It has to be a very very stong force. Because when you spilt an atom that makes a nuclear bomb. Think of all the power that is released as a bomb goes off. Its what fuels the sun. Why don’t atoms just fall apart? Because Jesus is holding all things together! Does this fill your heart with thankfulness?Also know the air you breath is because Jesus is holding holding you together. The precise orbit of the Earth so you could live all examples of how Jesus is right now holding us together! Not only is he our creator but our sustainer!

V.18 Jesus Christ is also our redeemer! He is the head of the body the church. The first born from the dead. Why does it say that? Because without Jesus right now you would be dead! The Bible describes some one with out Christ as dead.

1As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 3All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. 4But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. Eph 2:1-5
Before you knew Christ you were a dead person. But Christ came and redeemed you from your death. Just like Lazarus could not do anything about his condition so were you spiritually until Christ redeemed you. How did he do that by coming down to Earth. Jesus Christ the first born of all creation the one who all glory and honor is due came down and died for you. Think about our condition how we are sin against God. Our sins are like slaps in the face to the God who created all things through him and by him. Our iniquities were placed on him according to Isaiah 53:6. He came and bore are penalty because we failed to do what we were created for. We fall short of the glory of God. And he has bought us back from the death with his own blood to enjoy him eternally. For his sake not ours. Again all so Christ can have preeminence. Look at the verse all salvation is not for our self it is for Christ. All to show his prememinence!

To summarize Christ is the Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer.

Does that help show you its not about you?
To begin with you were created for Jesus.
You are being currently sustained by Jesus.
You are redeemed by Jesus.

What is your response to that? Well lets say someone gives you a really really awesome gift. What is your natural response? What do you want to do back for them? You usually want to do something nice back for them. Not out of duty but out of love! To say thank your for they have done for you. Its not something any should have to tell you to do! It is what should be naturally overflowing out of your heart. That is chief motivation to serve Christ. That’s what we were created for! Remember created by him for him, sustained by him and redeemed by him! This should naturally cultivate three responses.

Gratitude and realization for a your purpose in creation. How do know how to use something. Usually for its intended purpose. There is a reason a you don’t eat soup with a fork. That not its purpose and imagine how miserable someone would be trying to eat soup with a fork. Its just as bad when anyone does not align their life to Christ and his purposes for their life. We are created for him. So we need to be doing what he would have us to do.

Gratitude and Thankfulness for sustaining us! We take everything for granted but the only reason we have our next breath is because has chosen to sustain us. How do we respond to that with a heart of thankfulness? What does a thankful heart do? It serves.

Our response for redemption should be humility. The King of all creation came and died for us. Remember that though he died for us it was for his glory. What amazing benefits we get when God chooses to glorify himself!

When we respond to what Christ has done for us it naturally should cause us to want to get aligned with where we stand in creation. Remembering we are here for him and we should serve him with our life with gratitude, thankfulness, and humility. The right place for us to be is a servant of the beautiful King of Kings who it is all for! Therefore never be egocentric but Christocentric!

Editors note: This post is an adaptation of my notes I prepared for the devotion I gave the my youth on our Mission Service project last week. It was to show the motivation for Service: the Supremacy of Christ.
The picture I used can orginally be found here.