Monday, March 07, 2005

Bible Study on 1 Peter

Hey to Anyone in Kent area you should really come to this cool Bible at Mondays 7PM in the Student Center.

Heres the the outline I made for the Bible Study we did on 1Peter1. If you can not go then just enjoy the outline. Oh yeah and feel free to pray for it that it would be a good witness to the campus. Anyway here it is:

1 Peter1

Rejoicing In Suffering!

V 1,2 Peters’s greeting and audience. Audience: persecuted gentile believers. Probably during Nero’s persecution
Note: stress of election in opening. Foreknowledge and to the elect.

V3-9 Rejoicing Salvation during and though persecution.

V3-5 Reasons to rejoice
We have a inheritance from God’s mercy that is
Imperishable -
Does not fade away-

6-9 We have trials with a purpose!
V7 Purpose of our trials

V 10-12 We Have An Amazing and Special Salvation!
we live in a time were we see what salvation is. This is a blessing not even the old testament prophets fully new though they wanted to.
-Why does Peter mention this here?

V 13-20 In Light of this Great Salvation don’t Be Discouraged but Be Holy!
In this section Peter tells though we suffer in light of our salvation we should not revert to our pagan life style but continue in holiness and glorify God.
Application Points:
1 Be prepared for action
2 be sober minded
3 set hope on the grace that is to be revealed to us
4 Be holy as God is holy

V22-25 Born Again Not of Perishable Seed But of Eternal Seed!
V22 Love one another our of a pure heart since:
Ours salvation is built on the living, eternal, word of God. We have a secure salvation that enables us to love, be holy, and rejoice.

The Blessing : 1 Peter 1 shows us that through persecution, trials, and sufferings we have reason to praise Christ because of our salvation. We also know our sufferings are temporary and have a purpose.

Studying Suffering

Suppose a Christian could be a perfect Christian would they still suffer?
See 2 Tim 3:12, 1 Peter 4:16, Luke 9:23 taking up your cross hurts
Matthew 10:16-24 serving Jesus may bring suffering
Heb 11:36-39 suffering will come to the faithful

The Good news In Suffering

-Phil 3:10
Suffering helps us identify with Christ

-2 Cor 12:7-10
Reveals the sufficiency of God’s Grace and the Power of Christ

-1Peter 1:7
Reveals genuineness of faith

-James 1:2-5
produces steadfastness, gives wisdom?

-2 Cor 1:3-7
helps us be prepared to minister to others who suffer like us

-1 Cor 4:7-12
The life of Christ is seen

Suffering is Temporary!!!!!!!
1Peter 1:6 a little while
2Cor4:17 our afflictions are slight and momentary

Other thoughts:
Suffering is not outside God’s sovereignty
Romans 8:28

Finals Thoughts:
As Fire refines gold so does suffering our faith. Though suffering hurts, it is very short compared to eternity. Suffering provides an opportunity to glorify God through faithfulness resulting in a closer walk with Christ, and matures us and prepares us to serve others. Suffering will come but will take the opportunity to learn from it and glorify God in it or will it be wasted on us in lack of faithfulness?


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