Saturday, July 30, 2005

Southern Baptists too Calvinist? & Other News...

Personal Update: I am still extremely too busy to unfortunately write much of substance but I decided to do some reporting of substance. I found a couple interesting finds in the Blogosphere that I wanted to share.

I found out about 2 groups in the Southern Baptist Convention. Its seems like its the Calvinists and anti-Calvinist. I found a number of interesting links on this from Dr. James White's Apologetics Blog. It seems like this particular group is a reaction to the SBC getting more Reformed. I went to their website and was delighted to see that they had many links to their enimies the SBC Calvinists. I was glad to check out the resource the provide me with about groups in SBC who are working to make the SBC more Reformed. The link to their minstry is here. This is probably a good read for any Reformed Baptist not necessilarly just Southern Baptists. The debate is fun for me to watch because as you all know I am proud Southern Baptist and also very Reformed. Also interesting because I am going (in under 2weeks) to a Seminary that has been called the the Southern Baptist's "Outpost of Calvinism" by a certain speaker in our convention(and he did not mean it as a compliment). So here is a fun question to ponder is there room for Calvinists and the anti-Calvinists in the SBC or will "Calvinism divide the SBC" as I heard one alarmist say. All of the SBC has the same confessional statement the Baptist Faith & Message .Heres a thought does the Baptist Faith & Message support a particular side? So anyway leave you thoughts on Southern Baptists and Calvinism. Do you think we are too Calvinist? Or not Calvinist enough (My first reaction is there no such thing as too Calvinist..unless you a hyper Calvinist..) Or do you think all the Calvinists and non Calvinist we will able to coexist peacefully..(What I think is funny is some of the non Calvinst Southern Baptist I've talked to are at least 3 pt-4.5pt Calvinist and don't admit it.)

In other news while I busy linking other blogs I going to link to Steve Camp's recent blog post on Senator Frist deciding to support a bill to expand federal financing for embryonic stem cell research. I read the article and was outraged!I lost any respect for the guy who is trying to get close with evangelicals for political power but and not out of conviction. It forced me to get closer to Steve Camp's position on "Evangelical CoBiligerence" . Although for the record I still disagree with stance on "Evangelical CoBiligernce" because I believe we need to be involved fighting evil in all ways possible which is not the same thing trying to legislate regenerate behavior on the lost. Thats not the issue. I see Evangelical engagement as doing that. It wouldn't make sense to say "Hey Nazi Germany was unsaved, so we should expect that behavior out of them so we should not try to inforce Christian morality on them." If we can oppose evil politcally then do it! Of course not neglecting the primary issue of the spititual condition which is the root of the problem.(I do confess I made a straw man out of the ECB arguement but I am trying to make a point) But don't get me wrong I am very concerned about the mingling of Christianity and Politics because politics is a very dirty business and we don't need to stain our spotless Savior with the dirtiness of politics. See my post on the first Justice Sunday to see more of my concern on the issue. All this to say I believe there is a place for Christians to be engaged in politcs but we have to be careful of people like Frist who want to politically use us without representing us. Oh by the way reading the comments to the post I was happy to see that Camp still appreciates Mohler even though he disagrees with him. I was happy to see this because I was worried that he might be Mohler basher.

Well, since I seem to be busy pointing you to other blogs I might as well keep going. Check out a couple of Phil Johnson's recent posts at PyroManiac . I throughly enjoyed his comments on the problems with being Fad Driven as well as his comments on Time's list of 25 Most Influential Evangelicals. And since blogspotting is nolonger a fad but a classic tradition maybe I'll get lucky and get blogspotted. Two of my freinds Dave Mullins and Curtis Richardson have already been blogspotted by Phil. If anyone is wondering...this is a shameless attempt to get blogspotted...

Anyway enjoy all the links and sometime I will return my deep theological and Biblical writtings in a break from my packing to go to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary .

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Just for Fun

Hey guys here is something just for fun. Its the great parody "Baby Got Book." It describes the type of girl I want to meet, to quote the song one that's ..."rockin' because she has sound doctrine.." Another great line is "bless me, bless me, and teach me about John Wesly." Anyway I know this video has made its rounds across the internet but for those of you who it will be new for it should be a real treat. Watch it here .

Anyway enjoy that now and I will return to my theological writtings some time soon I hope.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Calvinism and Arminianism....

First off I need to admit this post is a shameful act of plagiarism from my freind Chris's blog.But I had to because I knew my Calvinistic readers would get a kick out of this shirt. I am tempted to buy it. You can here btw :
click here
Just to correct a little bit of theology a shirt can not choose anyone even if it is a Calvinist one but God can and does.

Speaking of Calvinsism the discussion on my Calvinistic post on whether Jesus was Seeker Sensitive is still going strong. So scroll down read it and comment on it. Oh yeah and I finally join in the discusion as well and ask a few more questions check it out.

And since this seems to the best of Calvinism post here is a link to previous post that lets you know if you are too Reformed read it and see if you are:
You may be too reformed if...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Cross Training: Is Christianity Different From Other Religions

To any wonder FBCA student who may be reading this I decided not to put up my notes for tonight's lesson because they are 10 pages long! And they are still incomplete where I know what I mean with the note but I don't think they will be much help to you so I decide to give you some very useful links that approuch the subject of how Biblical Christianity is different from other religions. So here you go:
I also higly recommend checking out the first site and its answers to 40 hard questions people ask christians.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Cross Training: Science and Christainity

To any wonderful FBCA student who may be reading this theses are my notes for our Cross Training Lesson. Remeber they my notes so excuse my grammer and typoes. Also I was dependent on two internet source in the lesson. The websites are given in the lesson. Feel free post any questions you may have. Enjoy.

Cross Training : Do Science and Scripture Agree?

If you talk to a non believer and try to get the justify their beliefs they will simply say that its not scientific and in fact that science and the Bible just plain disagree. And when it comes to a testing of the if would be foolishness not to go with science. They seem to think of science as the only thing that can tell you if anything is “real” and we should not believe “religion”. How can we respond to that does scripture and our faith really invalidated when you look at cold hard facts of science?
To begin to really take a look at the issue of Science and Scripture we must realize what we are dealing with here is not Science vs. Religion but it is really a question of how do you know that you know something. This is called Epistemology for the Greek word epistme which means to know.
So lets take a look a “Science” how is it that something becomes “science” Science guess what is not a set of facts it’s a set of observations! You guys have a heard of the scientific method right? Let’s go over that to see how “science” works.

1. Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena.
2. Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation.
3. Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations.
4. Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.

That is how science knows something. What science really is a really just intelligent guesses. I am sure we know that is called science has changed over time. For example before the big bang theory “science” said the universe always existed. Now “science”says the big bang is how the universe started. Or take Chemistry for example who can tell me what is smaller than an atom? Protons, neutrons, and electrons. Once we were taught these were the smallest particles But now we know they even smaller elements still. So how is it that science keeps on changing? It is because science is not a set of rules the universe follows are set in stone. Science is not is not set of solid unchanging ultimate facts. Its really a set of guesses on how the universe works based on the scientific method. So you cannot say “Science says”. Science does not say anything science our collections of observations guess what? Science is not inerrant. So why would want to prove something by a set our best guesses. Ultimately you cannot prove or disprove something unless you actually know something for sure. So how some one disproves something with their set of best guesses? Do you remember how last week we saw about how knowledge does not mean much if we no standard to test it by well the same is true about Science. I am not trying to that there is no value to science but science is not an absolute standard of truth!

Now lets talk about the epistlemology of a Biblical Christian we have a completely different worldview and a completely different way of looking things. Unlike an unbelieving scientist we are not looking at world and trying to have figure out what truth is. We have truth revealed to us. We are extremely unique in that we do not have the problem the much of the rest of the world does. We do not have problem of a relative reality. But we have truth defined. First We can not search for truth because we have no measuring stick to test truth but God is infinite and sees all of time and space so we know that when he reveals truth it he has universal perspective. Truth is revealed to us in the Person of Jesus Christ.(John 14:6 ) Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Jesus defines himself as truth and we know that God’s word is Truth. Jesus said in John 17:17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. Jesus Christ himself is truth. God’s word is also truth. From the truth standard that God gives us we can say we know truth or anything at all. Note this is incredibly different perspectives and how science can invalid the Bible no matter what anyone says. We are thinking about thing in two completely different ways. One starts out with the assumption you can only know truth if it is revealed versus I got to do figure out what it is. The difference is presuppositions and worldview. Presuppositions are the set of beliefs that one already has and just takes as assumed as the view things. Worldview is the particular way you view the.

Ok well the foundation that believer needs to is at the heart of science versus the Bible.

Next lets talk about a few of the “hot topics” in the whole area of science and the Bible. The first I am sure you know about. It has been in the news. Intelligent Design versus Evolution. Let us start with the infamous Evolution.

The Theory of Evolution can be divided into two parts, micro-evolution and macro-evolution. Micro-evolution deals with small changes within a species which adapt that species to be better suited to its environment. This process is well supported with scientific evidence and doesn't conflict with a Christian understanding of reality.

Macro-evolution claims that through major genetic mutations one species can evolve into another, so over a long period of time fish could evolve into insects, birds and mammals. From this concept it's suggested that all life could have evolved from simple chemical structures, thus life could have resulted from natural processes without the need for a creator.

Macro-evolution is highly contentious and its more extreme interpretations challenge conventional Christian thinking. It's sometimes suggested that God chose to create life through evolution, however, there's now a weighty and growing body of both scientific and philosophical evidence that discredits macro-evolution. This article very briefly surveys that evidence.

Creation vs. evolution - Origin of Life
Firstly, there's the question of how life itself originally got started. The theory of macro-evolution suggests how to develop from one species to another, but it can't explain how to jump from no life to life or from unconscious to conscious.

There are two questions in this area that macro-evolution can't answer. Firstly, the DNA molecules which store the genetic code for living beings are extremely complex even for the most basic forms of life. Where did the original injection of the genetic information for life come from?
The second question centres around an issue termed irreducible complexity. Even in the simplest life forms there are a number of different and complex components which must all be in place for life to occur. Take any of the components away and you no longer have life. The building blocks of living beings are complex and are not independent. How can these components have been assembled separately apart from pre-existent life?

Creation vs. evolution - The Missing Link
A second serious challenge to macro-evolution comes in the forms of fossils. The theory suggests that through genetic mutations over a long period of time, species gradually evolve into new species. If this were the case, you'd expect to find a whole spectrum of species within the fossil record at different stages of evolution.

However, the fossil records do not show life evolving from one species to another. On the contrary, there's a notable absence of any fossils of species at intermediate stages of evolution. Further, there aren't obvious intermediate species around today. The problem of the lack of evidence for transition between species is known as the Missing Link.

Creation vs. evolution - Geology and the history of Earth
Macro-evolution is understood to be a very slow process, random mutations taking place and becoming established over long periods of time. From developments in Geology and Earth Sciences, the window of history where conditions suitable for evolution have existed has become shorter and shorter. Many interpretations of macro-evolution have been abandoned as the time available for species to evolve was not long enough to account for the diversity of life we see.

Creation vs. evolution - Conclusion
Whilst there is widespread acceptance of the theory of micro-evolution, the question of macro-evolution continues to be hotly debated. Over the last fifteen years the tide of scientific opinion has been turning against the evolutionists. The complexity and apparent design of life has defied a purely naturalistic explanation and the problem of how life started remains unanswered by the scientific community.

In addition to the huge practical and theoretical difficulties associated with macro-evolution, the physical evidence presented by DNA code and the fossil record has not supported the theory. The available evidence seems to be pointing to the separateness of different species.
As the case for all life evolving from simple cell structures is looking less and less convincing, alternative explanations are needed. Science rests heavily on the principle of cause and effect. To account for the diversity of life on Earth, an adequate cause is required. Many in the scientific world are beginning to seriously consider the case for intelligent design in the universe. The consistent Christian claim of history is that the intelligent designer and sustainer of the universe is the God of the Bible.
This information first appeared at

This topic is vast so I can not hit everything I want but let me try to give you a few more reason to support the Biblical account of creation.

Then there’s the 2nd LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS. The evolution model would have you believe that we began as some kind of swamp goo and through chance-random process, evolved into the complex piece of humanity that we are now. The 2nd law of thermodynamics says that everything runs down, not up. Complex things break down, life becomes more disorganized, time and chance make things worse, not better. If you look around, everything starts out beautiful and then deteriorates. Trees, people, buildings, everything. Yet the evolutionists want you to believe that ONLY where evolution is concerned are we to disregard the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

THE SHRINKING SUN. Since 1836, the diameter of the sun has been measured to be shrinking about 5 ft. per hour. By going back in history and studying solar eclipses, scientists say that this shrinkage appears to be constant. Extrapolating backward, we find that the sun would have been so large one million years ago that no life at all could have existed on this earth. If we went back 20 million, which is still far short of the 5 billion many evolutionists claim as the age of the solar system, the edge of the sun would have touched the earth. The earth would have exploded long before the sun ever got that close.
This helps support the young Earth Theory that the Earth is not Billions of years old

CONSIDER THE HUMAN EYE. What animal, or back further, what piece of algae decided one day that we needed to see? And then began the billion year process of forming an eye, with all of it’s intricacies and marvels. Can we really be led to believe that we EVOLVED the eyeball.
This information was taken from:

There are just way too many Gaps for EVOLUTION to work
So many other topics to consider. Anthrotopic principle, and the difference between science and scientist.
As we close I wan to focus in on one topic.

Are the fields of Science and Christianity are they really enemies are they really incompatible? The answer is of course what is true can not contradict what is true. We know that the Bible is truth. Science can compliment the Bible and give more detail about the sovereign plan of the creator. Take the Big Bang theory for example, most people see it against Christianity but in reality its not. Popular science before the Big Bang theory said that the universe always existed but the Big Bang help prove the universe did not always exist. This helps prove the Biblical account of creation. The universe at some point had a beginning. Take Jonathan Edwards. He is probable America’s greatest theologian ever. He saw the glory of God in creation. He even gave God glory as he studied the flying spider seeing God’s provision and sovereignty. That is why here studied science. If we come back to my favorite Psalm.19 and consider verses one and two:
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above] proclaims his handiwork. 2Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.

Since we know that God is the sovereign creator of everything, the more we will see his hand at hand work and the more we can give him praise for the way he created his universe. We realize that there is real no true conflict between science and Christianity when science is viewed as the study of creator’s creation. The only conflict really occurs when people try to misuse “science” to push their philosophy. The thing to remember only source of truth is God’s revelation in the person of Jesus Christ and his Holy Word.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Was Jesus "Seeker Sensitive"?

Well I thought it was time for me to stir up some controversy and share some of my thoughts with you. I am expecting people to disagree with me, so feel free to post your thoughts whether you agree, disagree, or just want to dialogue about it. Recently in my own thought-life I have been trying to come up with my own understanding of what a sound biblical ecclesiological model would look like for the church to follow. One of the things I have been thinking about is was Jesus seeker sensitive in his ministry. As I have been in the Gospel of John in my devotions and one passage sticks out. So here it is turn in your Bibles to John 6:

Ok here what’s going on in the beginning of the chapter verses 1-14 . Jesus has large crowd following him because of the miracles he has been doing. So we know that Jesus definitely attracted the crowds. And we know this was the famous feeding of the 5000 passage a miracle that is recorded in all 4 Gospels. Well anyway we know how the story goes there is no food to feed the crowd but Jesus does not send them away but feeds the crowd with a small boy’s lunch. It is miracle!!! Especially when you are hungry notice that Jesus was sensitive to the needs of the crowd. He wanted them fed he had compassion on them. He did not want them to go hungry but does that make Jesus “seeker sensitive”?

Let’s fast forward a little bit to the next day; where Jesus addresses the crowd. Remember he has a large audience of at least 5000 people. Now let’s stop and think for a moment that an amazing opportunity! If you had the chance to say anything to a group that large what would you do? Especially if you wanted to seek and save the lost? I would probably want to present the Romans Road and give an invitation. Others who are particularly seeker sensitive might try a different strategy and say: “Hey let’s get them involved in the sports ministry or something and that way they’ll keep coming to our Church. But hey let’s make sure not to offend them but make sure they keep coming and at the right time they make friends with someone and when there is no pressure one of their new Christian friends will share the Gospel with them. Or they might come to a Sunday service and then they can hear the Gospel when the Pastor gives an invitation” <-- That my dramatization of a seeker friendly approach anyway lets see what Jesus does.

In v.25 the crowds find Jesus and say, “Hey show us some signs and feed us again.” (New John Version). Then Jesus goes and does something completely intolerant and not seeker friendly. He exposes the real reason they have a new found desire for religious things. They want it for the material gain of the food. They want a free lunch. Then Jesus goes and says what they really need to take of is not the physical but the spiritual nourishment in v.27. The crowd not getting it replies “Yeah show us a sign. Like God did for the Israelites with Moses. Remember he fed them with bread from heaven. And by the way we are real spiritual! Did you catch how we used a Bible story to get what we want?” (Again keep in mind you are reading the New John paraphrase)

Well lets now leave the New John Paraphrase and see what how Jesus respond in the text of the ESV:
35Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. 36But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe. 37All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. 38For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. 39And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. 40For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day."
41So the Jews grumbled about him, because he said, "I am the bread that came down from heaven." 42They said, "Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does he now say, 'I have come down from heaven'?" 43Jesus answered them, "Do not grumble among yourselves. 44No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. 45It is written in the Prophets, 'And they will all be taught by God.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me-- 46not that anyone has seen the Father except he who is from God; he has seen the Father. 47Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life. 48I am the bread of life. 49Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. 50This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. 51I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh."

Did you see what Jesus did? He made the crowd upset! Now suppose your Pastor had the opportunity to speak in front of 5000 people and he intentionally turned away the crowd! Do you think a Pastor-search-committee would be formed real soon? The text said they grumbled! The same crowd who just got fed by Jesus a day earlier and were delighted with him now are angry with him and are questioning his credentials.(People are so fickle) Asking “who does he think he is to be saying things like that!”(NJP) Then look Jesus responds with some harsh and pretty Calvinistic Theology and says, “No one can come to him unless the father draws him” Man! This would be like witnessing to someone and saying “Now that I shared the Gospel with you I know you will only accept it if you were predestined.” Wow that is just something you plain do not say to a seeker! Oh and let’s look at Jesus’ analogy its kinda well …cannibalistic! Again, I am pretty sure that was not the most seeker friendly terminology Jesus could have came up with.

Ok well I hate to do this to the text but I am gong to jump to a few verses to highlight the people’s response.
v.60 : When many of his disciples heard it, they said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?"
v.66 After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.

OUCH! Man, look what happened! The people are ticked off and they leave Jesus! Many of his disciples no longer walked with him! Guess what is amazing about that? Jesus is omniscient. Many times in the Gospel of John we see that John says Jesus “knowing their thoughts”. He was well aware he would turn them away. It was not an “Oops guess I offended a few guys next sermon will have to be less harsh.” This was intentional! So I am going to conclude that Jesus was not “seeker sensitive”

Well… If Jesus was not seeker-sensitive what was he concerned about?
#1 God’s glory. His father’s glory!
Why do say that? Look at verse v.26 and 27 Jesus chooses not to cater to the masses but expose their need for God by taking their self serving “feed me” attitude turning it around pointing to them what they really needed, the Father.
#2The truth
Jesus was clearly more concerned with defending and pronouncing the truth then worrying how the seeker was going to handle the truth. Look back at v.35-41. Jesus was not ashamed to say that he was the true bread of life. That is what they really needed and that what he said he was. There was no sugarcoating; in fact, he communicated this truth in way I am sure no one else would have. Why? Because it’s the truth he was more concerned about and communicating it, this opposed to be more concerned aboutwhat other would think or say about it. He cared more about the truth than popular opinion.
#3 God’s Sovereign Plan
We see this in v.37-40 Jesus clearly communicates the will of the Father to the crowds. He says that is what he wanted to do and what he came to do. He knew that nothing can thwart the will of the Father. He did not have to resort to tricks, gimmicks, warm fuzzy words, seeker sensitive programs to keep the crowds. He knew all that would come to him would be because his Father willed it. He did not have to win people over, but instead submit himself to God’s will knowing that those who come to him do so because the Father gave them to the son. He did have to get people but receive what the Father had to give.

So how should this affect our ministry in our everyday lives? Well, naturally we should care about Jesus cared about. So will our primary concern be the glory of God when people are asking us for all sorts of things they think they need? Will we point them to what they really need? Not stuff but God himself! Will you stand for God’s truth? Will you jump to defend God’s truth knowing that most people will be offended by it? Will you deliver it to a people who need it but don’t want it? Lastly, will you yield your ministry to God’s sovereign plan? Will numbers be your measure of success or the accomplishing of God’s will through faithful service?

A Couple Quizes

I decided to share a couple quizes I found from else where in the Blogosphere. Anyway take them and tell me how you score. Here is the first one:

This one informs you of your Theoligical WorldView. I scored Reformed which should be no suprise to anyone. It was predestined to happen that way..

Hey is the other one its which Thelogian are you. This may come as surprise I scored as Martin Lurther. I was expecting good ol' John Calvin but apparently not so much..Although you can't go wrong with Martin Luther.
Take it and see which Theologian you match up with:
Ok well have fun and let me know the results.