Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Larks News

Groups form ACLUNPRMTV to better marginalize, offend Christians
NEW YORK — The American Civil Liberties Union, National Public Radio and MTV have merged into a single entity to "ridicule and undermine Christianity wherever possible," says a spokesman. The leaders of the newly formed ACLUNPRMTV felt compelled to combine forces because "evangelicals are gaining too much clout in pop culture and politics." "It's like a resistant bacteria," said one employee anonymously. "The more you try to kill it, the stronger it gets." The group hopes to leverage their strengths in youth culture, the courts and among well-educated atheists to once and for all convince Americans that Christianity is a thing of the past. •
This is my favorite story from the new issue of Lark News you can find here. Larks News definately gives me something to look forward to.
In other news I had my best Reformation Day ever yesterday! I was able to do a couple
reenactments of the posting of the 95 thesis in Louiville. I will post more on that when I get the pictures developed.

Oh yeah and since both Halloween and Reformation are now over I will anounce the winner. 21 people voted and 42.9% said that its up to your own personal preferences. Coming in 2nd was Reformation Day YAY!!!!!!!! with 33.3% of the vote. Finishing last was Halloween with 23.8% of the votes. But its a good thing we don't decide our theology by popular vote. For the record I also agree with Dave Mullins on the issue. (if there was anydoubt..by the way he is posting again at Mullins Musings) Celebrate Reformation Day instead and carve Reformation Day pumkins!

Also in other news I am thinking about doing a series of posts on Philosophical Arguements for the Existence of God...Fun Fun but that may have to wait.. Since there are only two and half weeks in the semester! Please pray for me and other Southern students. Pray that we finish well and not let out spiritual lives slide behind our academic lives as we prepare for exams.


At 8:48 PM, Blogger J. Wendell said...

Will have to get Rose to do an accrostic on that new merger! I can't wait to see the pics. I go along with Scripture too (along with the 42.2%). Most of all, I will pray for you Southern students. Be prepared, and be in His plan.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Dave said...

thanks for the link John! I can't wait to see your pictures!

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Joe said...

Philosophical Arguements for the Existence of God? That sounds like fun! I can hardly wait.

But I hope the semester ends well.


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